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14 May 2010

Stop The Year I Want Off.

Oh blog how quickly I forget you, but not for petty reasons my friends, I'm currently working on my very own website to sell my handmade wares on. Although the Misi & Folksy sites are great at what they do & I won't be abandoning them, I feel ready now to have my own piece of the web. 
This is a sneak peek of my web banner with I created using Picnik editing software, I've ordered Moo cards & stickers as well to try & get the branding of the site connected.
The site is almost complete but the weather is knocking my product shots on the nose meaning that I may have to open it with less stock than I intended.

The other but more important distraction is the fact that my daughter Maisie turns 4 today, did you hear that FOUR, I really do want this year to slow down, I feel time slipping through my fingers & fading in a haze.
She starts school in September, & like any Mummy I'm worried about this major change in our home life, 
Maisie will of course breeze off without a care; as her ability to adapt to new situations amazes me each time something new is thrown her way, I hope this gift this one that grows as the challenges of life grow with her.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my amazing girl.

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