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25 June 2010

A,B,C to a Fabulous Me.

In a bid to boost my confidence & discover the true girlie me within I have enrolled in  

Lottie Loves…Finishing School

The aim of my Finishing School Workshop is to give you the opportunity to try out some of the things I have tried and tested in order to turn around my low self-esteem, confidence and body confidence.  I really hope what I have learnt can help other women achieve the same and help you to be the feminine and fabulous ladies we all deserve to be - Lottie.
A for for Attitude
The challenge is to think about what makes you happy about yourself.
I love that at 20 I married the man I love, it hasn't always been easy adapting to sharing your whole life with someone(I'm probably a pain in arse to live with) but this year we celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary & I feel incredibility proud to have made this level of commitment to one person, he makes me feel incredibly special everyday.

I love that I have a supportive network of family & amazing friends, I have a lot less friends now than when I got married but the ones I have are now true friends. Our lives have changed greatly over the years but we're all there for each other when needed.
I love that I have talents. I have the gift of making things with my hands & was lucky enough to have women in my life early on to show me these crafts, and due to amazing friends I've had the confidence in the last year to set up my own business selling items I make using these skills. 
I also have the gift of the gab, and freely admit it, I'll talk to anyone, people are interesting & lead fabulous lives so why not find out about them? I can fit into any social situation & make a contact, a skill I'm only now understanding the real power of.

I love that I'm a mummy and that I managed to bring 2 amazing children into the world, every day they discover something new & beautiful around them, and through them I rediscover how the little things in life are what makes us happy not having stuff & money but time with your family & friends.

And lastly and mostly due to Stuart,Maisie & Lucas I love the person I'm now becoming. I had many issues growing up and hated the figure I had, always being bigger than my friends & never seeing any positives in myself(the below picture was taken several years ago & I'd had a bit to drink to pose like this) but this year I think a change has occurred & given my body the respect it deserves. 
After all its a bloody amazing thing it takes me through life everyday, its healthy, & yes I have stretch marks and a jelly belly but I grew 2 children in there, so I'm proud of it and feel more confident in the way I hold myself. 
I think this happy understanding of my own body breeds confidence in the rest of my life now, this year has definitely become one of goals but more importantly for me I know I've got the confidence to meet them.

Thank you Lottie,


  1. whoa girl!! lm looking forward to the other 25 if they are like this one!!

    fab yo are...

    saz x

  2. I love that post. It made me all teary. Perhaps because I can relate. I met my husband aged 21 and married him aged 23. 10 years later and we have a fabulous marriage of which i'm really proud. You rock girly!!! Xxxx


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