She shared with me the joys of baby wearing; at the time having no money she went for a huge wrap of fabric bought from a market, tied round her with her baby cuddled up in the middle.
On hearing her tales of how secure he felt, being able to have constant eye to eye contact & where she lived keeping her boy up from car exhaust fumes, I had to investigate more.
I ended up buying or trying every type of sling there was. From a friends mass produced bulky clicky strapped sling which dug into my shoulders & was never comfy; then a ring sling bought at a baby show, although great when small, Maisie did not seem to settle in it when older enough to move around; the wrap style one I bought was also great when she was little but when older to was hard to grasp a 1year old while trailing 4 metres of fabric behind you. I also found that my husband didn't feel comfortable with these products either, most had to be readjusted every time we changed over who was wearing it.
Then I discovered Mei Tei style slings from here, which I found easy to tie on, suitable for mummies & daddies in style & comfort and great for interacting with your child, it turned out to be my most used baby product.

Now the reason I discuss this is when I first went out in my sling I was pretty much the only person using a none commercial looking one, I felt quite alone & a bit of a hippy, yet very happy to hold a banner up for babywearing in our town.
Now with more people discovering the ease of use in these products, alternatives to fighting prams out of cars just to nip into town & the joy of being face to face with your child, the babywearing parents are out in full force.
There's lots more information sites available, and one the newest most comprehensive of these is
Get Your Hands Back a resource site for baby wearing & parents, full of information & reviews it could help you choose the right sling for your lifestyle.
I also got the honour through the site to be asked to review a sling so here goes:
The SlingEasy Sling.
The sling came with easy to read comprehensive instructions and pictures making wearing the sling for the first time a simple process, however I feel using it for the first time with a very active 8month old made it a more difficult task.
The sling was comfortable to wear spreading out across my back & the large shoulder padding making carrying my weighty boy easy, it was quick to put him in & after trying him in different positions found one both comfortable for him & me, however having an active boy meant that I did feel I had to keep a hand on him at all times as he could lean quite far back, which made his position on my hip a little sore after a while.
Their site shows the various colours & designs the sling can come in which would make it a great unisex product, & talks you through the process of choosing the right size for you, which could make a huge difference to your comfort, & the pricing makes this a good value for money sling.
I think that this sling would be ideal for babies to nestle in , perfect for breastfeeding while out & about as it had enough fabric for good coverage, and for quick trips out with older children, I think if the child had been in this sling from younger months they would be more settled in it on longer journeys and in different positions.
I would rate this sling 7/10.

Above is picture son Lucas(8months) & Lovely Husband trying the SlingEasy.
Thanks for reading
such a lovely family.